Country Code Guide is your one-stop shop for making international calls from anywhere in the world. Here's how to call Turkey:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country. This is usually 00 or 011.
  2. Dial the country code for Turkey, which is +90.
  3. Dial the area code for the city you're calling in Turkey.
  4. Dial the local phone number.

For example, to call a mobile phone number in Turkey from the United States, you would dial:

00 90 --- -------
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Dial Codes
Adana +90-322
Adapazari +90-264
Adiyaman +90-416
Afyon +90-272
Agri +90-472
Aksaray +90-382
Amasya +90-358
Ankara +90-312
Antalya +90-242
Ardahan +90-478
Artvin +90-466
Aydin +90-256
Balikesir +90-266
Bartin +90-378
Batman +90-488
Bayburt +90-458
Bilecik +90-228
Bingol +90-426
Bitus +90-434
Bolu +90-374
Burdur +90-248
Bursa +90-224
Canakkale +90-286
Cankiri +90-376
Corum +90-364
Denizli +90-258
Diyarbakir +90-412
Edirne +90-284
Elazig +90-424
Erzincan +90-446
Erzurum +90-442
Eskisehir +90-222
Gaziantep +90-342
Giresun +90-454
Gumushane +90-456
Hakkari +90-438
Hatay +90-326
Icel (Mersin) +90-324
Igdir +90-476
Isparta +90-246
Istanbul Asya (Asia side) +90-216
Istanbul Avrupa (Europe side) +90-212
Izmir +90-232
Izmit +90-262
Kahramanmaras +90-344
Karaman +90-338
Kars +90-474
Kastamonu +90-366
Kayseri +90-352
Kirikkale +90-318
Kirklareli +90-288
Kirsehir +90-386
Kocaeli +90-262
Konya +90-332
Kutahya +90-274
Malatya +90-422
Manisa +90-236
Mardin +90-482
Mugla +90-252
Mus +90-436
Nevsehir +90-384)
Nigde +90-388
Ordu +90-452
Rize +90-464
Sakarya +90-264
Samsun +90-362
Sanliurfa +90-414
Siirt +90-484
Sinop +90-368
Sirnak +90-486
Sivas +90-346
Tekirdag +90-282)
Tokat +90-356
Trabzon +90-462
Tunceli +90-428
Usak +90-276)
Van +90-432
Yalova +90-226
Yozgat +90-354
Zonguldak +90-372

Calling from other countries to Turkey

Are you calling someone in Turkey from outside the country? Select a country from the list below to discover the international dialing code you need to dial for calling Turkey.