Phone Call to Germany From Luxembourg

How do you call Germany from Luxembourg? If you are calling from the Luxembourg to Germany, it is an international call. For this type of call, you must also enter the country code of Germany.

This is the procedure for making a call:

  1. IDD country code Luxembourg 00
    What is IDD - This number is used for calling to another country (international call).
  2. International country code Germany +49
  3. Phone area code Example: Bad Homburg 6172
  4. Telephone Number 00 49 6172
00 49 6172 -------
Germany City Codes Hide
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Dial Codes
Bad Homburg +49-6172
Berlin +49-30
Bonn +49-228
Bremen +49-421
Chemnitz +49-371
Cologne (Koln) +49-221
Cottbus +49-355
Darmstadt +49-6151
Dresden +49-351
Dusseldorf +49-211
Erfurt +49-361
Essen +49-201
Frankfurt am Main (west) +49-69
Frankfurt an der Oder (east) +49-335
Gera +49-365
Halle +49-345
Hamburg +49-40
Hanover +49-511
Heidelberg +49-6221
Karl-Stadt +49-9353
Kiel +49-431
Koblenz +49-261
Leipzig +49-341
Magdeburg +49-391
Mannheim +49-621
Mobile Phones +49-172
Mobile Phones +49-173
Mobile Phones +49-17
Munich +49-89
Neubrandenburg +49-395
Nurnberg +49-911
Potsdam +49-331
Rostock +49-381
Saal +49-38223
Schwerin +49-385
Stuttgart +49-711
Wiesbaden +49-611

Calling from other countries to Germany

Are you calling someone in Germany from outside the country? Select a country from the list below to discover the international dialing code you need to dial for calling Germany.