Phone Call to Azerbaijan From Germany

How do you call Azerbaijan from Germany? If you are calling from the Germany to Azerbaijan, it is an international call. For this type of call, you must also enter the country code of Azerbaijan.

This is the procedure for making a call:

  1. IDD country code Germany 00
    What is IDD - This number is used for calling to another country (international call).
  2. International country code Azerbaijan +994
  3. Phone area code Example: Agdam 192
  4. Telephone Number 00 994 192
00 994 192 -------
Azerbaijan City Codes Hide
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Dial Codes
Agdam +994-192
Agdash +994-193
Agdjabedi +994-113
Agstafa +994-244
Agsu +994-198
Ali-Bayramli +994-197
Astara +994-195
Baku +994-12
Balaken +994-119
Barda +994-110
Beylagan +994-152
Bilesuvar +994-159
Dashkesan +994-216
Devechi +994-115
Djalilabad +994-114
Eizuli +994-141
Gabala +994-160
Gakh +994-144
Gazakh +994-279
Geokchay +994-167
Geranboy +994-234
Gobustan +994-150
Guba +994-169
Gyandia +994-22
Hachmaz +994-172
Hadjigabul +994-140
Hanlar +994-230
Hizi +994-199
Imishli +994-154
Ismayilli +994-178
Kedabek +994-232
Kusari +994-138
Kyurdamir +994-145
Lenkaran +994-171
Lerik +994-157
Masalli +994-151
Mingechevir +994-147
Mobile Phones - Azercell +994-50
Mobile Phones - Bakcell (GSM 9 +994-55
Naftalan +994-255
Nahichevan +994-136
Neftechala +994-153
Oguz +994-111
Saatli +994-168
Sabirabad +994-143
Salyan +994-163
Samukh +994-265
Shamaha +994-176
Shamkir +994-241
Sheki +994-177
Siyazan +994-190
Sumgayit +994-164
Ter-Ter +994-246
Tovuz +994-231
Udjar +994-170
Yardimli +994-175
Yevlakh +994-166
Zagatala +994-174
Zardab +994-135

Calling from other countries to Azerbaijan

Are you calling someone in Azerbaijan from outside the country? Select a country from the list below to discover the international dialing code you need to dial for calling Azerbaijan.