Phone Call to Argentina From Germany

How do you call Argentina from Germany? If you are calling from the Germany to Argentina, it is an international call. For this type of call, you must also enter the country code of Argentina.

This is the procedure for making a call:

  1. IDD country code Germany 00
    What is IDD - This number is used for calling to another country (international call).
  2. International country code Argentina +54
  3. Phone area code Example: Bahia Blanca 291
  4. Telephone Number 00 54 291
00 54 291 -------
Argentina City Codes Hide
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Dial Codes
Bahia Blanca +54-291
Buenos Aires +54-11
Catamarca +54-3833
Comodoro Rivadavia +54-297
Concordia +54-345
Cordoba +54-351
Corrientes +54-3783
Formosa +54-3717
Jesus Maria +54-3525
La Plata +54-221
La Rioja +54-3822
Mar del Plata +54-223
Mendoza +54-261
Mercedes/Prov. B.A. +54-2324
Neuquen +54-299
Parana +54-343
Posadas +54-3752
Resistencia +54-3722
Rio Cuarto +54-358
Rosario +54-341
Salta +54-387
San Juan +54-264
San Luis +54-2652
San Nicolas +54-3461
San Rafael +54-2627
Santa Fe +54-342
Santiago del Estero +54-385
Santo Tome +54-3756
Tandil +54-2293
Trelew +54-2965
Tucumán +54-381
Villa Maria +54-531

Calling from other countries to Argentina

Are you calling someone in Argentina from outside the country? Select a country from the list below to discover the international dialing code you need to dial for calling Argentina.